Coral Connection

NFT Representation

Each NFT is intricately linked to a specific segment of our coral reef, acting as a digital twin. This connection is transparent and verifiable, with each NFT pinpointed to a precise location on Google Maps. This not only ensures the authenticity of each NFT but also allows holders to feel a tangible connection to their piece of the coral farm.

EV3 Tokens

As the corals in our farm flourish, they play a crucial role in carbon sequestration. This environmental contribution is quantified and translated into carbon credits. These credits are then converted into EV3 Tokens, providing a measurable and tradable representation of the ecological impact of each coral segment.

Token Utility

The utility of these tokens is twofold. On the one hand, they provide a financial incentive for investors and participants, as they can be traded for USDT. On the other hand, they serve a greater purpose by supporting the Sama-Bajau community. By using tokens for travel and local experiences, token holders directly contribute to the local economy, creating a sustainable and inclusive economic model.

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